Pro & Akademi

Informasjon - GET BETTER FAST - FALL EDITION, Package 1: Get Better Fast Essential

Startdato:torsdag 6. juli 2023 - kl. 0000
Start påmelding:6. juli 2023
Slutt påmelding:søndag 31. desember 2023 kl. 23:59   (passert)


Package 1: Get Better Fast Essential (2 x 60 minutes) 2400.-
- Perfect for golfers looking to focus on specific areas
   - Select any two 60-minute lessons from the following options:
     - Driving: Improve your distance and accuracy off the tee
     - Irons: Enhance your ball-striking consistency and control
     - Putting: Master your stroke and read greens with precision
     - Short Game: Elevate your skills around the greens